We’ll Teach You To


Welcome New Students!

If you are wanting to learn how to dance you’re in luck.  Bay Salsa run regular walk-in classes on Monday evenings allowing you the flexibility to attend when you can and not be locked into a block course. So you can learn at a speed that suits you.

Our Classes

We are currently offering classes in Linear style Salsa for beginners and improvers.

Classes are usually held every Monday night in the basement of Nood at the corner of Durham and Elizabeth Streets, Tauranga.

7:30 pm Beginners class
8:30 pm Improvers class

Social Dancing

Bay Salsa hosts the FREE weekly social dancing every Thursday night at La Mexica on the Strand.  

A great place to see familiar faces and get to break out all the moves you have been learning in classes.

About Bay Salsa

Formed in 2003 Bay Salsa is run by a small group of volunteers and dance enthusiasts who enjoy salsa socially. We started out as a small group who met regularly to learn new moves and share our knowledge with each other.

Over the years we have grown the Latin Dancing scene in Tauranga through offering classes and organising events including the Bay Salsa Festival, NZ’s second largest Latin Dance Festival.

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